Head office building

Realtime Group Head Office

About Tanktel

TANKTEL PTY LTD has specialised in providing complete solutions for remote tank

and silo level monitoring for over 30 years. From humble DOS beginnings with a

dial up modem (remember those? and expensive phone calls!), we now offer LIVE

data feeds to our customers via an easy to use website and very cost effective data


The TANKTEL Telemetry System is installed in hundreds of installations throughout Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia. In recent times Tanktel has expanded to include monitoring of important industrial processes such as environmental monitoring. Feedlot monitoring and water quality are also emerging as essential items to be monitored and Tanktel has the capacity to accommodate these needs. 

TANKTEL continues to be a wholly Australian company with experienced staff with a wealth of knowledge in process automation and control applications.

As part of the Real Time Group (Realtime Instruments) , Tanktel has the expertise to give you peace of mind.

Part of the Realtime Group Limited
The Realtime Group Ltd.’s head office is located at Mackay Marina Village, Mulherin Drive, Mackay Qld.
The Group specialises in on-line analysers and process automation. Supplementing these divisions is Tanktel which operates a real time online monitoring system, initially developed for tanks & silos it now monitors many other critical processes such as flow, temperature and process status.

© Copyright 2025 TANKEL PTY LTD. All Rights Reserved.